International Journal of Business Communication

The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) publishes manuscripts that contribute to knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social sciences. Accordingly, IJBC seeks manuscripts that address all areas of business communication including but not limited to business composition/technical writing, information systems, international business communication, management communication, and organizational and corporate communication. In addition, IJBC welcomes submissions concerning the role of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communication in the creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and not for profit business.

IJBC accepts all rigorous research methods, including but not limited to qualitative, quantitative, and critical. IJBC conducts masked reviews in which the Editor, an Associate Editor and two subject-matter experts examine submitted manuscripts. The acceptance rate is currently (2019) about 15%.

Beginning with V. 52 (1) 2015, IJBC will be indexed and abstracted in:

  • Social Sciences Citation Index®
  • Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
  • Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Members: Access IJBC online

Information for Contributors

IJBC Staff

JBC Copyright Notice

Special Issue 2025

Making It Count: Valuing “Interesting” Quantitative Scholarship 

Submit a preliminary extended abstract of 1,000 words by February 15, 2025 to the Guest
Editors, Dr. Ryan S. Bisel ( & Dr. Arden C. Roeder
( Please include “IJBC Spec Issue: (Author Names)” in the subject
line. Initial decision replies will be sent by March 31, 2025. Full papers of 9,000-10,000 words
(for empirical papers) and 5,000-6,000 words (for conceptual, review, and pedagogy papers) are
due the following year: March 31, 2026.

Special Issue 2023

Click here to learn about the Special Issue in Positive Communication Scholarship edited by Julien Mirivel and Ryan Fuller


Subscriptions to IJBC and Business and Professional Communication Quarterly are included as a benefit of ABC membership. To join ABC, visit the membership page.

Libraries and other institutions can subscribe to the journals directly from the publisher, Sage Publications.

IJBC Newsletter

Spring 2023

Spring 2022

Summer 2021

March 2020

August 2019 - Welcome to spotlight on innovative research, with “The Neurophysiology
of Corporate Apologies: Why Do People Believe Insincere Apologies?” by Adriana F. Kraig,
Jorge A. Barraza, Walter Montgomery, and Paul J. Zak.  Find article summaries.

April 2019 - Welcome to recent authors Sean Newman, Robert Ford, and Greg Marshall.  Find article summaries.

January 2019 - Welcome "Reviewer in the Spotlight" Thant Syn, and find article summaries.  Find Call for Proposals: Special Issue on Organizational Culture and Identification

October 2018 - Welcome "Reviewer in the Spotlight" Jef Naidoo, and find article summaries.

July 2018 - IJBC places in the second quartile in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) communication category (rank 33 out of 84) and has an impact factor of 1.575.  The July IJBC concludes a two part special series on financial communication edited by Drs. Marlies Whitehouse, Rudi Palmieri, and Daniel Perrin. 

March 2018 - Welcome new associate editors and find article summaries.

January 2018 - Jackie Mayfield and Milton Mayfield new IJBC editors.  Robyn Walker now Associate Editor. Read current announcements, information about upcoming conferences, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue.

October 2017 - Read current announcements, information about upcoming conferences, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue. 

July 2017 - Find a call for research collaborators, information about the ABC 82nd Annual International Conference, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue.

April 2017 - Find current announcements, upcoming conferences, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue, the second of a two-part special issue on Leadership Communication.

January 2017 - This issue shares current announcements, upcoming conferences, and a summary of articles found in the January 2017 IJBC, the first of a two-part special issue on Leadership Communication.

July 2016 - Read announcements and a summary of articles in this month’s issue as a preview of the articles that will be published in October 2016.

April 2016 - Find announcements and a summary of articles found in this month’s special issue on Social Collaboration and Communication as well as a preview of the articles that will be published in July 2016. A number of Association for Business Communication regional conferences are also on the horizon.

January 2016 - Find announcements, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue as well as a preview of the articles that will be published in March 2016, a special issue on Social Collaboration and Communication.

October 2015 - Read current announcements and a summary of the articles found in this month’s issue as well as a preview of the articles that will be published in January 2016.

April 2015 - Read news, announcements, a summary of articles from the April 2015 issue, and a preview of articles to be published in July 2015.

January 2015 - In this first newsletter of 2015, you will find current news, announcements, and a summary of the articles found in this month’s special issue on strategic communication  edited by Gail Fann Thomas of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA and Kimberlie Stephens of the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles as well as a preview of the articles that will be published in April 2015.

November 2014 - This is the first newsletter of the International Journal of Business Communication. In it, you will find current news, announcements, and a summary of the articles found in the October 2014 issue as well as a list of articles that will be published in January 2015, which will be a special issue on strategic communication.


Name Institution Dates

Jacqueline Mayfield & Milton Mayfield

Texas A & M International University 2018-Present
Robyn Walker University of Southern California 2009-2017
Margaret Baker Graham Iowa State University 2006-2009
Steve Ralston University of Michigan-Flint 2002-2005
Kathryn Rentz  University of Cincinnati 2000-2001, interim editor
Kitty O. Locker Ohio State University 1998-2000
John C. Sherbloom University of Maine 1995-1997
N. Lamar Reinsch, Jr. Abilene Christian University, Georgetown University 1991-1994
Phillip V. Lewis Abilene Christian University 1988-1990
Robert D. Gieselman University of Illinois 1987-1988
Arn Tibbetts University of Illinois 1980-1987
George H. Douglas University of Illinois 1968-1980
Robert D. Gieselman University of Illinois 1967-1968
Richard Felton University of Illinois 1966
Robert D. Gieselman University of Illinois 1964-1966
Francis W. Weeks University of Illinois 1963-1964