ABC Officers/Directors

Executive Committee

The Association for Business Communication is governed by a Board of Directors composed of 6 Directors at Large, a Vice President from each of the 9 regions, and the Executive Committee, which is comprised of the President, the Vice President, the Immediate Past President, and the Executive Director of the Association.           

President, Judith Ainsworth

Vice President, Patricia Harms

Past President, Barbara Shwom

Executive Director, Kathryn Rybka

Regional Vice Presidents

The Regional Vice Presidents are responsible for representing the best interests of members from their regions at all meetings of the Board and for fostering the objectives of the Association among members from their regions.                                                              

Asia and the Pacific, Misa Fujio

Canada, Valerie Creelman

Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, Ana Lucia Magalhaes

Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Ursula Lutzky

Eastern U.S., Kristen Getchell

Midwestern U.S., Paula Lentz

Southeastern U.S., Barbara Bolt

Southwestern U.S., Lucia Sigmar

Western U.S., Ann Springer and Scott Springer

Directors at Large

The Directors at Large are responsible for representing the best interests of members at all meetings of the Board and for executing the objectives of the Association by serving on ad-hoc committees and spreading awareness of the Association.