Teaching Committee

Committee Charges

  1. Maintains ongoing forum discussions about topics related to teaching and teaching with technology.
  2. Presents “My Favorite Assignment” sessions at annual conferences.
  3. Considers roundtables and other platforms for the “My Favorite Assignment” sessions.
  4. Ensures that “My Favorite Assignment” presentations are uploaded to ABC website by 31 December.
  5. Gathers, updates and disseminates on the ABC website, via social media, etc. information and resource materials for pedagogy and curricula for undergraduate and graduate programs and courses related to business communication.
  6. Supports current members who request resources to enhance their ability to teach effectively with technology.
  7. Solicits additional materials, i.e., syllabi, assignments, rubrics, real examples of résumés and cover letters, and offers ways for teachers to submit new materials.
  8. Coordinates with the technology coordinators to ensure that teaching and resource materials on the ABC website are updated regularly and easily accessible.
  9. Solicits nominations for the Meada Gibbs Teacher-Scholar Award and the Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology by publicizing the competitions to all members on the association website and through email.
  10. Selects the recipients of the Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award in Memory of Meada Gibbs and the Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology.
  11. Establishes and updates guidelines, rules, regulations, criteria and rubrics for assessing applications. Ensures they are made available on website and emailed to ABC members when publicizing the competitions.
  12. Ensures the Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award in Memory of Meada Gibbs and the Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology recipients are publicized in the ABC newsletter and on the ABC website.
  13. Encourages members to develop ABC presentations and journal articles related to teaching with technology.
  14. Sponsors projects, programs and events to improve pedagogy in business communication of special interest to faculty.
  15. Surveys members regarding the importance of teaching resources on the web.
  16. ​Determines the ongoing viability of the mentor-mentee program.
  17. Requests committee members additions/drops by first logging into ABC and then completing the Committee Update Request Form.

Committee Chair 2024

Andrew Quagliata, Chair
Sarah Clements, Vice Chair

Committee Members

End of 3-Year Term
Laura Barrett 12/31/2025
Andy Cavanaugh 12/31/2024
Sarah Clark 12/31/2026
Sana Clason 12/31/2026
Geoffrey Clegg 12/31/2025
Sarah Clements 12/31/2025
Michelle Dawson 12/31/2025
Andrea Dolph 12/31/2026
Mark Evans 12/31/2026
Melissa Geil 12/31/2026
Laura Graham 12/31/2026
Virginia Hemby 12/31/2025
Raihan Jamil 12/31/2025
Bridget Kurtenbach 12/31/2025
Christopher McKenna 12/31/2024
Chris Morse 12/31/2026
Jessica Nevitt 12/31/2027
Amy Newman 12/31/2025
Rita Owens 12/31/2025
Andy Spackman 12/31/2026
Jane Strong 12/31/2025
Li Wang 12/31/2025
James Ward 12/31/2026
Theresa Wernimont 12/31/2025
D. Joel Whalen 12/31/2027
Bentley Whitfield 12/31/2027
Carol Wright 12/31/2025

Recent Prior Chairs

Sana Clason, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
Marilyn Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology
D. Joel Whalen, DePaul University