Student Competition Committee

Committee Charges

  1. Designs a template for future case submissions to streamline the process of the contest and promote submission.
  2. Reviews, revises and updates schedule for committee work on ABC website as needed.
  3. Establishes and updates contest guidelines, rules, regulations, criteria and rubric for assessing contest entries.
  4. Designs a special promotional flyer for case submissions to increase the number of submissions.
  5. Solicits original cases for consideration in the student writing competition.
  6. Selects a case for the coming year.
  7. Publicizes the competition to all members on the association website.
  8. Promotes the competition at annual conference and via email to ABC members.
  9. Works with BPCQ editor to determine publication agreement for selected cases.
  10. Recruits volunteers and business people to read and rank student entries.
  11. Evaluates submissions, chooses winner and ensures the selected case, case author and winning submissions are publicized in the ABC newsletter and on the ABC website.
  12. Notifies ABC HQ of award winners and details using HQ-provided form.
  13. Recognizes ABC member whose student receives the award by sending a personalized letter.
  14. Requests committee members additions/drops by first logging into ABC and then completing the Committee Update Request Form.

Committee Chair

Ashly Smith (term expires 12/31/2026)

Committee Members

End of 3-Year Term
Lindsay Clark  12/31/2027
Christina Davidson 12/31/2027
Rachel Dolechek 12/31/2027
Jenna Haugen 12/31/2025
Susan Luck 12/31/2025
Jennifer Lee Magas 12/31/2025
Reid McLain 12/31/2026
Kris Pickering 12/31/2025
Angela Planisek 12/31/2025
Barbara Shwom 12/31/2025
Bethany Tisdale 12/31/2026

Prior Chairs

Ann Alexander, Grand Rapids Community College
Jenna Haugen, University of Louisville
Traci Austin, Sam Houston State University
Kelly Grant, Tulane University
Ann Wilson, Stephen F. Austin State University
Cindy Drexel, Western State College of Colorado
Nancy Schullery, Western Michigan University