Outstanding Researcher Award in Memory of Kitty O. Locker


The recipient is an ABC member whose research has made an outstanding contribution to the business communication discipline. The recipient receives a plaque and $1,500 USD. The award is sponsored by the Association and McGraw Hill. The recipient will deliver a research-focused presentation or workshop at the ABC Annual International Conference the year following receipt of the award.

The award will be presented at the ABC annual conference. For the following year's conference, the recipient should submit their paper title and short program description during the annual conference proposal submission period. 

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates for this award should demonstrate the following criteria:

  1. Overall contribution of the researcher’s cumulative publications in refereed journals and scholarly books
  2. Significance of the research to the field
  3. Overall quality of the research
  4. Heuristic value of the research


Nominations should consist of a letter describing the scholar’s research and showing how the research meets the award criteria, and the nominee’s detailed curriculum vitae. The ABC Research Committee reviews nominations and selects the recipient of the award. Award recipients are invited to be a member of the ABC Research Committee for a three-year renewable term.

Please direct questions to Stephen Carradini, Research Committee Chair. Thank you.


The award winner will be notified by approximately July 30. The winner must submit a photograph to be used in the award presentation.

Previous Winners