Marketing and Membership Committee

Committee Charges

  1. Maintains ongoing forum discussions with committee members about topics related to marketing and membership.
  2. Evaluates the present and future marketing position of ABC in relation to competing professional societies.
  3. Reviews existing marketing strategies and materials of the organization, including those implemented by other standing committees, proposes new/revised strategies and develops new, current, relevant materials.
  4. Identifies and implements strategies for attracting new members, retaining existing members and renewing lapsed members.
  5. Develops new member welcome letter/package that RVPs send to new members in their region.
  6. Develops letters that RVPs and committee chairs send to lapsed members to encourage renewal, i.e., advantages of membership.
  7. Works with the Communication and Technology Coordinator to promote ABC and build a strong online community among members using ABC’s social media outlets.
  8. Works with Sage to promote our journals and with publishers to increase membership benefits and membership engagement.
  9. Encourages Sage journal officers to join ABC.
  10. ​Promotes the importance of business communication in the business curriculum to administrators, deans, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and other relevant groups.
  11. Maintains active interaction and good relations with AACSB to achieve visibility for ABC as an authoritative source about business communication.
  12. Requests committee members additions/drops by first logging into ABC and then completing the Committee Update Request Form.

Committee Chair 


Committee Members

Name End of 3-Year Term
Chris Brown 12/31/2019
Geoffrey (Geoff) Clegg 12/31/2019
Anish Dave 12/31/2019
Ryan Fuller 12/31/2019
Kristen Getchell 12/31/2021
David Healey 12/31/2021
Christina Iluzada 12/31/2019
Raihan Jamil 12/31/2019
Kathy Langston 12/31/2019
Sky Marsen 12/31/2019
Kathryn (Katie) Meier 12/31/2019
Kathy Rentz 12/31/2019
Crystal Shelnutt 12/31/2019
Kathy Wills 12/31/2019
Janna Wong 12/31/2019

ABC Affiliate Subcommittee

ABC partners with similar organizations to further the understanding, scholarship, and teaching of business communication worldwide. Created as an ad hoc committee during 2019, in 2022 it became a subcommittee of Marketing and Membership to further develop ABC's affiliate relations.

The ABC Affiliate Subcommittee:

  1. Organizes and collaborates with existing affiliates.
  2. Determines best practices for using Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) effectively (e.g., sharing news, activities, and events), for benefit of both entities.
  3. Explores potential associations with missions and interests similar to ABC, including encouragement of more internationalization collaboration.
  4. Proposes other affiliate organizations/strategic alliances nationally and internationally for Board approval.
  5. Proposes content updates, as needed, to the affiliate web page and update the Other Conferences calendar by emailing the Office and Communication Manager at or by submitting a Tech Support Ticket.
  6. Recommends new charges for the following year.
  7. Requests committee members additions/drops by logging into the website and completing the Committee Update Request Form.

ABC Affiliate Subcommittee Chair

Virginia Hemby 2022

Sub-committee Members

End of 3-Year Term

Peter Cardon


Erika Darics


Bertha Du-Babcock


Virginia Hemby


Kris Pickering


Barbara Shwom


David Victor
