Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Committee Charges

  1. Organizes a panel discussion/teaching roundtable on diversity, equity and inclusion issues for the annual conference.
  2. Works to help ABC leaders and members understand, expand, articulate, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate our ideas and efforts -- individually, as teachers and practitioners, and as an organization -- related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  3. Solicits nominations, reviews applications and chooses a winner for the Distinction in the Practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award and ensures the winner is publicized on the ABC website and in the ABC newsletter.
  4. Crafts a detailed proposal with thoughtful language in which we honor and acknowledge the current inhabitants and ancestors of the local populations of the host communities in which we have our conferences.
  5. Ensures that ABC meets the needs of historically under-represented groups in the profession.
  6. Reviews the position of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator as consultant to the Executive Committee and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee.
  7. Works with DEI Coordinator to assist Conference Planning Committee in choosing sites.
  8. Reviews the description, criteria, promotion, and intended impact of the Distinction in the Practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award.
  9. Requests committee members additions/drops by first logging into ABC and then completing the Committee Update Request Form.

Committee Co-Chairs 

Clark Barwick (term expires 12/31/2025)
Sarah Moore (term expires 12/31/2026)

Committee Members

End of 3-Year Term
Suzan Aiken 12/31/2023
Aida Andino-Pratts 12/31/2022
Kristin Bennett 12/31/2026
W. Christopher Brown 12/31/2025
Kathryn Canas 12/31/2023
Xin Chen 12/31/2025
Barbara Davis 12/31/2023
Nate Eversole 12/31/2026
Kristen Getchell 12/31/2023
Barbara George 12/31/2025
Matari Gunter 12/31/2023
Demetrius Jordan 12/31/2025
Laura Lambdin 12/31/2023
Xiaoli Li 12/31/2024
Joelle Loew 12/31/2023
Victoria McCrady 12/31/2022
Ruby Nancy 12/31/2025
Evelyn Plummer 12/31/2024
Peggy Odom-Reed 12/31/2023
Sandra Sepúlveda 12/31/2023
Junhua Wang 12/31/2024

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