My Favorite Assignment-How to Share Files

Follow these steps to upload handouts and to give your permissions by October 10.
1.  Log into the ABC site and click My Profile, then click My Options. Next, select My Presentations (at bottom of list—lower right corner). Click your Detroit submission to My Favorite Assignment.
2.  Permissions
Find pencil icon on left.  After clicking the pencil, edit as desired to answer the permission questions.  Go to bottom and press OK when done.
3.  Upload Handouts
To add a file, below the pencil icon on the left, click the double page icon to Edit Files.  Upload your file(s) or replace a file you no longer wish to share.  Go to bottom and press OK when done.
Permissions questions to answer via this process are:
1. I hereby grant the Association for Business Communication permission to publicly display my assignment from the files uploaded here on the Association's website for registered attendees of the ABC 2019 Annual International Conference in Detroit, Michigan. Should I choose to revoke this permission, I understand I may do so by contacting D. Joel Whalen or other such contact as directed by the Association for Business Communication.
2. File Sharing Permission-ABC Website: I hereby grant the Association for Business Communication permission to publicly display my assignment from the files uploaded here on the Association's website. Should I choose to revoke this permission, I understand I may do so by contacting D. Joel Whalen  or other such contact as directed by the Association for Business Communication.
Should you need assistance, or to notify ABC of upload changes you make between October 18 and October 26, please contact Andy Cavanaugh.