Bylaws 3. Association Procedures

3.1 Operational Guidelines. The Board is responsible for creating and maintaining a set of
Operational Guidelines to implement its policies. Approval of the changes to the Operational
Guidelines shall require a majority vote of the Board.

3.2 Conferences of the Association. The Association shall have regular conferences for the
purpose of fostering the mission of the organization.

3.2.1 The Association shall have annual conferences at times and places approved by the
3.2.2 The Association shall support ABC Regional conferences at times and places agreed to
by the Regional Vice Presidents and the Executive Director. Conferences shall be open
to all members, regardless of their regional affiliations, and to non-members.

3.3 Committees and Their Chairs. The Board of Directors shall create, combine, or disband
standing committees as necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Association and to meet the
needs of the Association members.

The Board does not vote on revisions made to the committee sections of the Operational
Guidelines. These sections are shaped by the Vice President in response to advice from the
Board and the Executive Committee and to the Association’s needs.

3.3.1 The Vice President shall appoint members and chairs for each standing committee
Appointments of members to standing committees shall be for three-year renewable

3.3.2 Chairs of standing committees shall be appointed to two-year terms by the Vice
President. Individuals may be re-appointed as committee chairs three times for a term
limit of six years.

3.3.3 The Vice President shall be responsible for encouraging members to serve on
Association committees.

3.3.4 The President may create ad hoc committees at any time. Chairs of ad hoc committees
may be appointed for as long as the President remains in office. The President specifies
the mandate for ad hoc committees and circulates the mandate to the Executive
Committee. Ad hoc committee performance shall be reviewed by the Executive
Committee to determine progress, completion and possible reappointment of the ad hoc

3.3.5 Every year, the Vice President shall publish a list of committee membership for standing
committees and the charges to those committees for the year.

3.3.6 The committee chairs shall be responsible for reporting committee activities and the
service rendered by members in accordance with the Operational Guidelines.
3.3.7 Service as a committee chair shall be one of the criteria used in considering an individual’s

qualifications to serve as a Board member or officer of the Association.

3.4 The Publications Board. The Publications Board shall consist of nine members and the
Executive Director, who shall be a continuing, ex-officio member of the Publications Board and
shall have full voting privileges unless prohibited elsewhere by these Bylaws. The Chair of the
Publications Board is appointed by the President from the nine elected members. If a member
of the Publications Board accepts a role as an Editor or Associate Editor for one of the
Association’s two journals, then the member will be required to resign from the Publications

3.4.1 The Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of candidates for the Publications
Board; the Board of Directors will elect members to the Publications Board to serve
three-year staggered terms.

3.5 Publications of the Association

3.5.1 Editors of the Association’s publications are recommended by the Publications Board
and approved by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Publications Board will evaluate
the regular and special publications of the Association, the editors of the publications,
and the written statements of editorial policy and procedures provided by the editors.

3.5.2 The Publications Board shall be responsible for proposing and selecting timely special
publications and for coordinating their production with the Executive Director of the

3.5.3 The Publications Board shall determine recipients for publication awards specified by
the Board of Directors and as outlined in the Operating Guidelines.

3.5.4 The Publications Board shall ensure that the four-year terms of the journal editors will
be staggered so new editors for both journals are not recruited during the same year.

3.6 Special Recognition. The Association shall provide five kinds of special recognition:
designation as Fellow, as Distinguished Member, as Honorary Member, as Recipient of the
Francis W. Weeks Award of Merit, and as Recipient of the Bernadine P. Branchaw Spirit Award.

three-year staggered terms.

3.6.1 The qualifications for these forms of recognition shall be specified in the Operational
Guidelines and approved by the Board.

3.6.2 Once a year, the names of the awards and their qualifications shall be published in an
official publication of the Association, and nominations shall be solicited from members.
Additionally, once a year the Regional Vice Presidents and chairs of the Association’s
committees shall be solicited for their nominations.

3.6.3 The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for soliciting and evaluating
recommendations for these awards and for submitting for Board approval a list of
individuals selected to receive awards, along with the reasons for their selection.

3.6.4 These awards and special recognitions will be given only when warranted by the
qualifications of the nominees.

3.7 Expenses, Reimbursements, and Bonuses. The Board may authorize reimbursement for
expenses incurred on its behalf or payment for services rendered.

3.7.1 The Executive Director may direct that Executive Committee members, Board members,
committee representatives, employees, and other representatives of the Association be
reimbursed for expenses incurred while conducting Association business.
3.7.2 The Board shall set or confirm the salary for the Executive Director at its annual meeting.
3.7.3 The President and Executive Director may recommend for Board approval bonuses for services rendered by the Association’s paid employees.

3.8 Affiliate Organizations. The Association may have formal affiliations with organizations that
have met the criteria specified in the Operational Guidelines and whose applications for
affiliation have been approved by a majority vote of the Board