Call for Nominations-Distinction in the Practice of Diversity and Inclusion Award

Dear Folks,

I know that this past spring is one that none of us will ever forget.  You were all so busy trying to get those you work with across the finish line.  In doing so, you did amazing work that builds on the great work that you have done through the years.  And the work has not stopped: many of you are continuing to plug away, getting ready for what is sure to be a most unusual fall. 

But, when you can pause and take a breath, please consider nominating yourself or some other deserving ABC member for the Distinction in the Practice of Diversity and Inclusion Award.  The award is another wonderful way to share the fine work you are doing in diversity and inclusion.  Please help us grow as an organization by sharing your best practices.

Please note that the deadline for submissions is July 31, 2020

If you have questions, would like more information, or would like to submit to the exciting opportunity of the D&I Award, please contact Jacqui Lowman at or (207) 768-9745.  

Best wishes for a healing, hopeful summer, from the green hills of northern Maine.


Jacqui, Saint and Dusty Lowman

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