Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee:

1.​     Maintains ongoing forum discussions with committee members about topics related to graduate studies issues.

2.​     Promotes and administers the Margaret Baker Graham Research Grant.

3.​     Promotes and administers the Graduate Student Travel Grant.

4.​     Establishes and updates guidelines, rules, regulations, criteria and rubric for assessing applications. Ensures they are made available on website and emailed to ABC members.

5.​     Lists Research Grant and Travel Grant winners in ABC newsletter and on the website.

6.​     Encourages graduate students to join the Association and participate in its conferences. Annually assesses and reports how graduate students who attend the annual conference heard about the conference.

7.​     Annually assesses and reports statistics on member status of previous Graduate Student Travel Grant recipients.

8.​     Develops publishable research related to graduate programs and graduate studies in business communication.

9.​     Gathers and disseminates curriculum information about graduate-level courses and programs related to business communication, especially at the doctoral level.

10.​    Encourages graduate students and graduate faculty to join the Association, participate in its conferences, and submit articles to its publications.

11.​    Organizes a panel/roundtable on graduate studies issues for the annual conference.

12.​    Works with the Research Committee to assess the status of business communication as an academic discipline and foster the perception of business communication as a discipline with a strong research base.

13.​    Requests committee members additions/drops by first logging into ABC and then completing this Committee Update Request form.

Committee Chair 2024

Matt Baker

Committee Members

End of 3-Year Term
Tatiana Andrienko-Genin 12/31/2026
Matt Baker 12/31/2026
Tatiana Batova 12/31/2025
Stephen Carradini 12/31/2024
Rachael Dolechek 12/31/2024
Janis Forman 12/31/2026
Ashley Patriarca 12/31/2024
Jeremy Rosselot-Merritt 12/31/2026
Chenxing Xie 12/31/2025

Recent Prior Chairs

Abigail Koenig, University of Louisville, 2022
Stephen Carradini, Arizona State University, 2018-2021
Matthew Sharp, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2015-2017
Quinn Warnick, Virginia Tech, 2010-2014
Rebecca Pope-Ruark, Elon University

Community Page

Members of the Graduate Studies Committee can access the committee’s forum and file library on their Community Page.