Sample Submission Form



* Communication Issues in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

* Consulting and Training

* Diversity and Inclusion

* Employment Issues in Business Communication

* Executive, Managerial, and MBA Communication

* Innovative Instructional Methods

* Intercultural and Global Communication

* Interpersonal and Non-Verbal Communication

* Organizational Communication

* Rhetoric

* Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

* Social Responsibility, Civic Engagement, Sustainability, and Business Ethics

* Technology, Digital Communication, Social Media, and Web 2.0

* Visual Communication

Session Title:
Written in the Third Person with Title Capitalization

Session Type:

Committee/SIG Sessions (chairs only)


Group Panel (45 min.)


Lightning Roundtable (75-min) (6-7 designated presenters)


Award Winners   (Instructions pending; please submit later.)


Poster Session


Pre-Conference Workshop (2-3 hours)


Regular Presentation (15 min.)


Research Roundtable (6-10 min. TBD)


Spanish (15 min.)

 Virtual Presentation (15 min.)



Primary Presenter:

Avoid manual entry of presenter details.  Select "Organization Member" or "Organization Guest", then key in last initial.  Select name; press enter.


Presenter 2-16:

Avoid manual entry of presenter details.  Select "Organization Member" or "Organization Guest", then key in last initial.  Select name; press enter.

Presenters must be either an "Organization Member" or "Organization Guest".  A co-presenter can create a free Organization Guest account (no member benefits), by visiting the ABC membership page at:





Co-author 1-5:


Program Insert:
Please enter a 60-word (or fewer) description, written in the third person. Spell out acronyms.





500-750 words defining theme, purpose, goals, methodology, and takeways/outcomes

For Committee or Plenary tracks, enter "N/A" for the above Proposal field.  If this a panel with individual presentations, see additional text requirement farther below.

Word Count - Proposal:

Total Presenters:

Presenters are those who will be at the conference and presenting this paper.  (Co-authors are those not expected to present the paper, but who should be credited as co-authors.)

Focus: Teaching, Research, Consulting, or SOTL?:

(If ABC Committee, select Teaching.)


If proposing a Lightning Roundtable, enter theme:









For 75-minute time slot, roundtable must have at least 6 presenters. 


Please indicate if proposal is supported by . . .:

 Recipient 2017 Distinction in the Practice of Diversity and Inclusion Award

 Recipient 2017 Award for Excellence in Communication Consulting

 Recipient 2017 Pearson Award for Innovation In Teaching with Technology

 Recipient 2017 Meada Gibbs Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award

 Recipient 2017 Kitty O. Locker Outstanding Researcher Award

 C.R. Anderson Foundation

Session Chair Volunteer:

 I am willing to be a session chair.



Session chairs ensure presentations start and end on time in room where session chair is also scheduled to present.

Research Roundtable expert:

Select this option if you would like to serve as an expert at a Research Roundtable to provide advice and feedback to participants during the 75-minute sessions at the conference.







Criteria Understanding:



I understand the criteria below are being used in the evaluation and selection process.

Does Proposal Clearly Meet Evaluation Criteria:

 Defines Theme

 Describes Purpose

 Describes Goals

 Describes Methodology

 Describes Outcomes

 Proposal 500-750 Words

 Program Insert Describes Presentation to Attract Attendees in 60-words or less and is Written in 3rd Person, With Title Caps (Like This)

 Besides Diversity & Inclusion Panel, Posters, Research Roundtable, or My Favorite Assignment, ABC REQUESTS ONLY ONE SUBMISSION naming you as presenter or co-presenter. Did you limit submissions?

 I agree, and co-presenters (if any) agree to register and present at this conference.

Your rigorous submission helps us continually improve the conference experience for all.


Share your phone number in case conference chair needs to contact you.  You can also indicate best day/time range.  This number will not be shared outside the conference committee.

Request blind peer review:


If you select blind peer review, do not also select peer mentoring.


Request peer mentor:





If proposing Workshop, enter topic:

Along with topic, note proposed length of workshop.

Multiple-presentation Titles & Program Text:

Is this a panel with individual presentations?  If so, please list presenter names, presentation titles, and a 60-word (or fewer) description, written in the third person of each presentation for program insert. Spell out acronyms.

List names in order of desired presentation.

Spanish Proposal And Virtual:

This is a Spanish proposal both to be presented virtually and in Spanish.


Each year, the ABC annual conference offers a limited number of Spanish and/or virtual presentations.  Spanish presentations (virtual or regular) should choose "Spanish Presentation" in Session Type. If the Spanish presentation is also a virtual presentation, indicate here.  For virtual presentation in English, choose "Virtual Presentation" in Session Type.