Election Results - ABC 2017

Dear ABC Members,

Please join me in congratulating the following individuals whom you elected to office.  They will begin serving their 4-year term January, 2018.  ABC will benefit from their knowledge and experience.  

2nd Vice President

Geert Jacobs

Regional Vice President

Judith Ainsworth, Eastern United States


Abram Anders

Laurie Bott

Janis Forman

Rudi Palmieri

I also hope you will thank those who, by running for office, demonstrated their commitment to ABC:  Clark Barwick, Valery Chistov, Sandra French, Melvin Washington, Jennifer Veltsos, and McLain Watson.  We deeply value and appreciate their time and energy. Thanks also to the Nominating Committee for nominating all these very capable people.

In Service,



Jim Dubinsky

ABC Executive Director

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